DAS Solar showcases latest N-type products at Open Energies 2024


Jan. 24, 2024 - DAS Solar, a leading Tier 1 PV manufacturer, has exhibited at Open Energies in Lyon, France. The latest N-type series stands out for its innovative high-efficiency TOPCon cell technology and attracted significant attention from visitors to the event.



The Open Energies is one of the biggest, most influential, and most innovative green energy exhibitions in Frence. French energy mix is characterized by a high proportion of nuclear and hydroelectric power generation because it is relatively resource-poor. It is estimated that France will have a total solar capacity of 20GW by 2026, and 100GW by 2050. Its energy transition schedule was introduced by the French government in 2020.


Among the DAS Solar booth's products are 465W N-type bifacial double-glass rectangular modules, 615W N-type bifacial double-glass rectangular modules, and 430W lightweight modules. In the sustainable PV ecosystem, DAS Solar has jointly launched the Initiative on Standardization of Rectangular Silicon Wafer Module Dimensions with several leading industry enterprises. With the same design, a 30W increase in power output was achieved with the N-type rectangular modules introduced in late 2023, which reduced both system BOS costs and LCOE. DAS Solar has developed the TOCon 4.0 Plus high-efficiency solar cell that boasts an efficiency of 26.36% and an open-circuit voltage of 742mV, breaking the world record again. DAS Solar's modules offered advantages like zero light-induced degradation (LID), higher bifaciality, lower temperature coefficient, and superior performance under weak light conditions, which has long-term, stable, and efficient power generation.


In addition, lightweight modules are designed for various applications and have advantages such as being lightweight, UV-resistant, deformation-resistant, low-glare, easy to install, and detachable. They have successfully passed rigorous tests, including TÜV, IEC basic certification, CE certification, CGC Golden Sun certification, PCCC certification, triple PID certifications, level 6 salt spray certification, and sand dust certification, ensuring the safe and reliable operation of green and low-carbon PV projects.


There are strict entry requirements for the French PV market. DAS modules exhibit significant low-carbon advantages throughout their lifecycle, including raw material manufacturing, production line processes, module production, and transportation energy consumption. Additionally, they have successfully obtained ECS certification, and passed the transparent supply chain audit with the renowned third-party organization STS, demonstrating excellence in traceability management system audits.



As a young PV enterprise, DAS Solar has achieved success by being listed on the BNEF Tier 1 list and maintaining annual shipment volumes in the TOP 10. Also, PV Tech has recognized the company as the best ESG-performing PV company in 2023, demonstrating its strong customer reputation and brand influence. DAS Solar is currently showcasing its latest products at H7 - A48 at Eurexpo Lyon until January 24, 2024.


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