Higher average yield gain 6.59%! DAS Solar modules have excellent performance


The PV Plant equipped with DAS Solar N-type TOPCon bifacial double-glass modules in the Qinghai Golmud region has been successfully deployed in the desert expanses of the western Qaidam Basin. From 2021 to 2023, it has consistently achieved record-breaking power generation gains since connecting to the grid and launching power generation. Analyzing data from the past two and a half years, the N-type modules in the Qinghai PV Plant have demonstrated an average power generation gain of 6.59% compared to P-type modules.


The Qinghai Golmud project is located in a vast and expansive region. In December 2020, the Qinghai Golmud PV Project was officially connected to the grid. This project installed by DAS Solar bifacial double-glass N-type and P-type modules at the same time. A comparison of N-type and P-type modules with identical system designs and installation environments was conducted to assess their power generation performance. According to the data from January 2021 to July 2023, the average power generation gain per kilowatt-hour for N-type bifacial double-glass modules compared to P-type bifacial double-glass modules under identical conditions was 6.59%. Compared to P-type PERC modules, N-type TOPCon technology exhibits superior power generation performance in terms of bifaciality, reliability, temperature coefficient, degradation rate.


As a top-tier brand in N-type technology, DAS Solar’s N-type modules have excellent performance. The sandy ground boasts a high reflectivity, reaching up to 30%, enabling bifacial double-glass modules to exhibit exceptional power generation performance in this environment. DAS Solar's N-type modules achieve a bifaciality rate of up to 80%, surpassing P-type modules by 14.3%, which have a bifaciality rate of 70%. As compared to P-type modules, DAS Solar's N-type modules generate 14.3% more power on the rear side under identical installation conditions, which enhances the PV Plant's power generation benefits. The Golmud project employs single axis tracking bracket and integrates state-of-the-art N-type high-efficiency modules.



Moreover, bifacial double-glass module encapsulation enhances strength and durability, providing superior resistance to harsh environmental factors, such as windblown sand, and bolstering overall reliability and exceptional performance temperature coefficient. In the Golmud project, abundant year-round sunlight and intense solar radiation give advantages. Nevertheless, the Golmud region faces environmental challenges, including sandstorms and high temperatures, which demand greater resilience from its solar modules. For this project, DAS Solar has chosen double-glass bifacial modules to mitigate long-term sand erosion. In the meantime, high-temperature environmental conditions affect the PV module degradation rate. Summers in Golmud bring extended daylight hours and higher outdoor temperatures, making this issue more pressing. DAS Solar's P-type modules have a temperature coefficient as high as -0.34%/℃, while DAS Solar's N-type modules feature a lower temperature coefficient of only -0.30%/℃. When generating power outdoors, DAS Solar's N-type modules experience a 12% lower power loss due to high temperatures compared to the P-type modules. Power losses caused by high temperatures are significantly mitigated by this reduction, ensuring the PV Plant's revenue generation remains stable.



Furthermore, N-type modules have advantages in degradation. DAS Solar's N-type modules incorporate N-type silicon technology, effectively mitigating the issue of light-induced degradation associated with boron-oxygen complexes. Featuring zero light-induced degradation, DAS Solar's N-type modules provide customers with a more robust commitment to power quality: A 30-year power quality guarantee that will not exceed 1% degradation in the first year, followed by a degradation of less than 0.4% in the following 29 years. N-type modules can generate 2.45% more electricity than P-type modules by the end of the 30-year power quality assurance period, which improving the energy efficiency and profitability of the PV Plant.


DAS Solar, as one of the Tier 1 PV manufacturers, is dedicated to continuous exploration and rigorous research in N-type technology, consistently surpassing industry standards in cell and module efficiency. To fulfill the needs of global consumers in a variety of situations, DAS Solar will continue to offer innovative N-type products and technologies in the future.

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