DAS Solar exhibited at 16th International Photovoltaic Power Generation and Smart Energy Conference & Exhibition (SNEC)


In 2023, the 16th International Photovoltaic Power Generation and Smart Energy Conference & Exhibition (SNEC) was successfully held. DAS Solar showcased its latest N-type 3.0 series products and a range of photovoltaic solutions for multiple applications. With innovative technology and impressive product lineup, DAS Solar garnered significant attention at the event, attracting media, customers, and partners who flocked to the booth, resulting in an overwhelming response from the attendees.


DAS Solar's high-efficiency products took center stage at the exhibition. The newly upgraded N-type3.0 series, including double-glass bifacial module, single-glass module, lightweight half-cut module, and lightweight high-density module, were prominently displayed. These products showcased DAS Solar's latest capabilities and achievements in the N-type technology. Equipped with DAS Solar's cutting-edge TOPCon 3.0 plus technology, the cell achieved an impressive cell laboratory efficiency of up to 26.24%, the module peak conversion efficiency of 22.9%, and a maximum power output of 640W. Leveraging advanced technologies such as high-energy laser-induced selective emitter (i-SE), ultra-thin polycrystalline silicon with micro-doped ut-polySi, and passivated emitter rear contact (PERC) with multilayer surface passivation (mt-Pass), the N-type 3.0 series modules boasted exceptional performance and reliability. They offered advantages such as zero light-induced degradation (LID), higher bifaciality, lower temperature coefficient, and superior performance under weak light conditions, meeting the diverse requirements of various application scenarios.


On the concurrent conference, Liu Yong, Chairman and President of DAS Solar, delivered a speech and emphasized the pivotal role that continuous technological advancements play in propelling the progress of the industry. With a keen focus on the transition from P-type to N-type technology, Mr. Liu accentuated the necessity of actively exploring forthcoming waves of technological breakthroughs, even as N-type technology achieves noteworthy milestones. During the meeting, he shed light on the expansive terrain for exploration within the existing paradigms of electricity transmission and trading. Furthermore, he underscored the paramount importance of establishing "zero-carbon" industrial parks.



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