DAS Solar patent results come to the fore


The installed capacity of the new energy sector had rapid increase in 2022. By the end of November 2022, China has installed 360 million kilowatts of wind power and 370 million kilowatts of solar electricity. According to the National Energy Administration, the yearly installed capacity of sceneries could exceed 120 million kilowatts in 2022, which would indicate a 20% annual growth rate.

 The performance of the new energy sector's invention patents and innovation strength merits notice as it is a technologically advanced sector with a high boom track. With this background, Yicai and PatSnap researched 100 key companies in the new energy sector and conducted an in-depth analysis of the patent situation in China's new energy sector, focusing on four different factors: the quantity of invention patent applications, the quantity of invention patent grants, the quantity of invention patent market value, and the quantity of citations. The share of photovoltaic companies is second only to electric power companies among the Top 100 Chinese companies with patents in the new energy sector of PatSnap. DAS Solar, one of the photovoltaic companies on the list, has recently emerged as a surprise success story that soared immediately after being founded.

 DAS Solar was founded in 2018, and in just four years, it has surpassed 10 billion yuan in sales revenue, into the TOP 10 Chinese PV companies in terms of shipments, entered the TOP 5 in terms of winning bids, and presently has 117 patent authorizations, with innovation patents making up about half of the total and more than 350 applications. In 2022, DAS Solar ranked 80th on the list in terms of the number of invention patent applications, 86th in terms of the number of invention patent licenses, and 34th in terms of the overall number of invention patent citations, according to the list of Top 100 Chinese companies with patents in the new energy sector of PatSnap.

 Dr. Dengyuan Song, the CTO of DAS Solar, stated in an exclusive interview with Yicai, "Among our founding team, the director has a better grasp of technology, particularly the implications and applications of photovoltaic technology, and the core team members also have a deeper technical accumulation. Looking back on the four years since DAS Solar's beginning, we feel that the technological course was taken very well and at the perfect moment for the production of PV cell technology's dividend phase."  DAS Solar place a high priority on R&D spending. 20% of the company's workers work in research and development (R&D), which accounts for around 5% of sales revenue annually and more than $100 million in R&D equipment.

 In terms of patent accomplishments, DAS Solar presently holds 49 utility model patents in addition to more than 50 different inventive patent technologies. The independently created solar mobile power supply has filled the international gap; the technology of floating PV power plant construction at sea and the application of large span flexible bracket are at the forefront level in the industry. DAS Solar's independently developed lightweight flexible modules, which weigh 30% less than traditional modules, do not require bracket installation, solving the pain point problem of whole country promotion.

 At present, as a new top-tier brand in the photovoltaic industry, DAS Solar has spread product footprint to more than 60 countries and regions around the world with N-type TOPCon advanced technology as its base. 2023, DAS Solar will build 30GW high-efficiency cell and 30GW high-efficiency module capacity. In the future, DAS Solar will be a new energy technology innovation force, continue to make efforts to accelerate the global clean energy transformation and promote the development of high-quality energy industry.

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